Sunday 8 March 2015

Men in Horror: IAIN ROB WRIGHT

I went on British kick for a a while and found some incredible authors: Craig Saunders, Matt Shaw, Graeme Reynolds, Nathan Robinson and Iain Rob Wright. I am sure I am missing some....These guys were amazing! They told stories, wrote well and were completely engrossing, all for different reasons.

The first book I read by Iain was SAM. Immediately I was sucked into the rabbit hole and I read that one in one night. Went on to read SEA SICK, THE HOUSEMATES, THE PEELING, ASBO, and THE FINAL WINTER.

I am a huge fan of British authors such as Ramsey Campbell and Clive Barker. Grew up reading these guys. Now I am a thrilled to add a few more to the collection...I keep in my drawer....

1.     When did you start writing horror?
I wrote fantasy as a kid, like Terry Pratchett stuff, but I started writing horror in my early twenties and became professional at 26.

2.   Have you written in any other genre?
I have written a thriller, Soft Target; and the sequel, Hot Zone, is also a non-horror. I intend to write a fantasy series at some point also. My heart lies with horror, though.

2.     What makes you uncomfortable?
Sexual assault and animal cruelty make me sick in my tummy. Little else makes me uncomfortable, but I gag very easily so bodily fluids etc need to keep away from me!

3.     Does your family read your work?
My mother has read some, and my wife, too, but neither is into horror so its probably a chore for them. Its surprising how few friends and family want to read my stuff. Perhaps I should be offended.

5.  Does your writing make you uneasy?
Not really. I can get into a characters head sometimes and feel empathy for them, but Im always the one in control so I never feel uneasy.

6.  Who would you say you write like?
Hopefully Stephen King, but in honesty I think I am my own animal. I like to litter my work with memes and references, and Im not sure many other horror authors are doing that. I also like to try and write a wide range of stories so I dont become a zombie guy or sicko guy.

7.  Who are your favourite authors?
Stephen King, Bryan Keene, J A Konrath, F. Paul. Wilson, Jeff Strand, Richard Laymon, Terry Pratchett, Dean Koontz, G.R.R.Martin, Colleen Mccullough, and loads loads more.

8.  Who influences you as a writer?
All of the above. Every book I read influences me in some way, good or bad.

9. Do you remember what the first horror book was that you read?
The Rats by James Herbert. I loved it. I used to hunt for his books at the Sunday car boot with the money my dad would give me.

10.  How old were you?
About twelve.

11.  Is there any subject you will not touch as an author?
Dont really want to get into the whole sexual violence thing that some authors do. Not my thing at all.

12.  What was the best advice you were given as a writer?
Ive had so much, so I wouldnt know what to choose, really. But the advice to just focus on writing writing writing is smart. The best way to make money and gain fans is by having lots of work available to buy.

13.  If you had to start all over again, what would you do different?
I would work harder at the beginning. I was slow to the party compared to guys like J A Konrath, Barry Eisler, and Russell Blake. Its really crowded now and I didnt realize at the beginning how much easy exposure I was getting as the indie publishing gold rush had not yet started. The sales I used to get from individual titles in the early days dwarves what I see now. If I had released more early on like Konrath etc, I may be better known than I am now.

14.  How many books do you read a year?
I read every night in bed and tend to get through a book every two weeks or so, depending on length. I struggle to find books I enjoy, though, and often give up halfway.

15.  Do you write every day?
Monday to Friday ten till four. I am a father and husband the rest of the time.


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