The Dogs of Depression: A Guide for Happy People

The Dogs of Depression: A Guide for Happy People

Sunday 22 February 2015

Women in Horror: SUZI M

Suzi is a gorgeous Goth Girl with dark dark, dark eyes and a dark soul. In between the darkness is fire hot temper and moral compass that everyone should possess. I first met Suzi three to four years ago and started reading her work later. She has a talent that is fierce and is growing as a writer with every book she puts out.

Did I mention a sense of humour?

Blog Questions - Women Writers in Horror Month – Suzi M (aka James Glass)

  1. When did you start writing horror? Officially? When I was around 15-16 years old. 

2.   Have you written in any other genre? Yes. I have also written in occult/mystery as James Glass.

3.  What makes you uncomfortable? Tight underwear.

4.  Does your family read your work? Yes. Yes they do. I’m as surprised as you about that. ☺

5.  Does your writing make you uneasy? Some scenes make me uneasy, but overall it’s a birthing process and the ‘baby’ needs to come out.

6.  Who would you say you write like? I’ve been compared to quite a few writers. HP Lovecraft, Stephen King, Poppy Z. Brite, and Tanith Lee to name a few.

7.  Who are your favourite authors? Tough one to answer. I have quite a few. Lovecraft, Stephen King, Joe Hill, the Bronte sisters, Ann Radcliffe, Nick Cave, the list could go on and on. 

8.  Who influences you as a writer? Emily Bronte and HP Lovecraft.

9. Do you remember what your first horror book was that you read? Indeed I do. ‘Salem’s Lot by Stephen King. The book was hidden under my parents’ bed, and I would sneak read when they were cooking. ☺

10.  How old were you? Second grade. I can’t remember how old that is. 

11.  Is there any subject you will not touch as an author? I tend to stay away from hurting/killing pregnant women, children, or animals. 

12.  What was the best advice you were given as a writer? ‘Keep writing.’

13.  If you had to start all over again, what would you do different? I would have printed out copies of all my stuff and kept them in a lock box. Hard drive crashes and out-dated unreadable floppy disks SUCK. 

14.  How many books do you read a year? In a good year, 15 or more. In recent years? Ten or less. 

15.  Do you write every day? Yes, every spare minute I can.

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